Private Referrals

Information About Private Referrals


If a patient has chosen to pay for private healthcare because

    1. a) their treatment is not available on the NHS or 
    1. b) they do not wish to be treated on the NHS 

They are responsible for paying for all costs, including tests, and the private provider is responsible for managing every aspect of their healthcare (unless the patient chooses to transfer back to the NHS at a later date to continue treatment).

For that reason, private providers should not be asking GPs to arrange any tests that they deem necessary, and intend to use, to make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment with. 

It is the private provider’s responsibility to arrange tests for patients whose care they are managing, and the patient’s responsibility to pay for them. 

Policy regarding requests from private providers to start or take over prescribing medication.

In addition to the above policy, the practice cannot prescribe on behalf of private providers nor continue to supply prescriptions which have previously been supplied by the private provider unless this is a medication which a GP would normally prescribe and the prescription is in line with local health board guidelines. We are not permitted to have shared care protocols with private providers.

Private consultants wishing to transfer patients to NHS care should directly refer their patient to the appropriate NHS service who will reassess and, if appropriate, take over their treatment. At the point that their care has been taken over by an NHS service, a request may be made by the NHS service to share prescribing responsibility with the practice. Our practice pharmacist will review and manage all such requests in line with the local health board guidelines.

Screening tests carried out by private providers which have not been approved by the UK National Screening Committee

The practice supports the national guidance which can be found on the RCGP website.

If the patient chooses to have private screening tests or investigations that are not available or recommended by the NHS, they should ensure that they have the funds or insurance in place to cover the costs of any additional treatment or investigation that is incurred as the NHS may not cover these.